Category: News

Here, we bring you curated stories, breakthroughs and insights from the vast realms of spirituality and esoteric knowledge. 

  • Sun conjunct Mars

    Sun conjunct Mars

    On September 24, 2024, the Sun forms a conjunction with Mars in the analytical sign of Virgo, creating a powerful wave of energy, assertiveness and focus. This potent astrological alignment blends the vitality of the Sun with the drive and determination of Mars, particularly in the realm of work, health and personal organization, as highlighted by Virgo’s meticulous influence. Both traditional and esoteric astrology offer rich insights into the potential of this conjunction, providing practical and spiritual perspectives on how to harness its intense energy.

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  • Enlightenment: Path Beyond the Mind and The Void

    Enlightenment: Path Beyond the Mind and The Void

    Enlightenment has been a central pursuit in many spiritual traditions, often described as the ultimate state of awakening where one realizes their true nature. However, the nature of Enlightenment is complex. It is not always a permanent state, and many spiritual seekers experience glimpses of it rather than sustained, complete liberation. In this article, we explore the concept of Enlightenment, emphasizing the importance of going beyond the mind and entering The Void. We will also examine when Enlightenment might be a temporary experience and when it could become a permanent state of being.

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  • The Void: Highest State of Being

    The Void: Highest State of Being

    In various spiritual traditions, “The Void” is often considered the highest state of being, a state where the individual self dissolves and only pure consciousness remains. This concept, while interpreted differently across cultures and philosophies, consistently points to an ultimate state of transcendence beyond form, thought and duality. The Void represents a realm of complete stillness, emptiness and infinite potential—a place where the individual merges with the source of all existence.

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  • Beyond the Mind

    Beyond the Mind

    The journey of meditation often leads to profound experiences of transcending the mind—reaching a state that is beyond the limitations of thought, emotion and personal identity. Meditation on the inner Light and Sound is one such method that has been described by many mystics and spiritual leaders, including Guru Nanak, as a path to go beyond the mind and connect with higher spiritual dimensions.

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  • Unlocking the Esoteric Wisdom of the Rider Waite Tarot

    Unlocking the Esoteric Wisdom of the Rider Waite Tarot

    The Rider Waite Tarot is not only a widely used divination tool but also a profound representation of the esoteric journey one undertakes toward self-discovery and spiritual awakening. While many are familiar with the deck’s use in readings, fewer recognize the depth of wisdom hidden within the Major Arcana, where each card symbolizes a key aspect of human existence and the soul’s path through life.

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  • Full Moon in Pisces

    Full Moon in Pisces

    On September 20, 2024, the Full Moon occurs in the mystical sign of Pisces, bringing emotional and spiritual energies to the forefront. This lunar event invites a time of deep introspection and encourages the release of old emotions, limiting beliefs or spiritual blockages. Both traditional and esoteric astrology offer distinct yet complementary perspectives on the Full Moon in Pisces, each helping us understand the transformative power of this time.

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  • Learn how to meditate: overcoming barriers for beginners

    Learn how to meditate: overcoming barriers for beginners

    Starting meditation can feel like a significant hurdle for many. Despite its known benefits for mental clarity, emotional balance and overall well-being, people often face inner resistance. Common fears, misconceptions and challenges that may arise when starting a meditation practice will be explored, along with guidance on how to overcome them.

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  • Dance of Light and Sound in meditation

    Dance of Light and Sound in meditation

    In deep meditation, especially when practicing on the inner Light and Sound, many practitioners report profound experiences of seeing geometric shapes, colors and forms of light while simultaneously hearing inner sounds. These experiences are not random; there is often a direct relationship between the sounds that are perceived and the manifestation of inner light and geometry.

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  • Mercury direct in Virgo

    Mercury direct in Virgo

    On September 16, 2024, Mercury, the planet of communication, will go direct in Virgo, marking the end of its retrograde period. Mercury retrograde is often associated with communication breakdowns, delays and misinterpretations, particularly in areas ruled by Virgo, such as work, health and personal organization. As Mercury moves forward, the focus shifts from reflection and revision to action and progress. Both traditional and esoteric astrology provide insight into this important shift, offering guidance on how to harness Mercury’s direct motion for personal and spiritual growth.

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  • Discovering your soul’s journey

    Discovering your soul’s journey

    In life, many of us reach a point where we seek something more—a deeper understanding of who we are and what we are meant to do. Questions about our life’s purpose, our challenges and the forces shaping our journey often arise. At these moments, we long for clarity and insight, a way to navigate life with meaning and direction. Through esoteric astrology and life purpose exploration, we can begin to uncover the spiritual and personal truths that guide us.

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