Category: Ancient Wisdom

feather in glass bottle on table
Exploration of ancient spiritual traditions and wisdom.

  • Cosmic Origins: Souls from Distant Star Systems

    Cosmic Origins: Souls from Distant Star Systems

    In esoteric teachings, it is believed that souls can originate from different star systems and dimensions. These souls bring their unique characteristics, qualities and life missions to Earth. The idea that souls have their origins beyond our planet is deeply intertwined with the concept of a multidimensional universe, where consciousness knows no bounds. Souls that incarnate on Earth may come from star systems such as Orion, Sirius, the Pleiades, Arcturus or Andromeda, and even from more distant or non-physical dimensions.

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  • Transcending Karma: Journey Through Meditation and Self-Awareness

    Transcending Karma: Journey Through Meditation and Self-Awareness

    In recent discussions on the Meditation Facebook group, a thought-provoking question was posed: “Who believes that meditation allows one to transcend or go beyond karma?” The responses and ensuing dialogue offered a rich tapestry of perspectives, highlighting the complexities and depths of understanding karma through meditation.

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  • Ancient Wisdom in Modern Times

    Ancient Wisdom in Modern Times

    Across millennia, ancient wisdom has been a beacon for societies, guiding principles, ethics and personal enlightenment. This article delves into the depths of ancient spiritual traditions and the wisdom they convey, exploring their significance, the profound questions they raise and their impact on both collective progress and individual spiritual journeys.

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