Category: Conscious Living
Exploring Meditation in the Mind and Beyond
Meditation is often a journey through different layers of consciousness, where experiences range from mental dimensions to realms beyond the mind. Understanding these layers can guide us as we move from exploring the structured world of form to the expansive, limitless space of formlessness.
Understanding the Ego in Meditation
When starting meditation, beginners often confront the ego—the sense of self shaped by thoughts, emotions and external experiences. The ego defines us through labels like, “I am successful” or “I am not good enough”, which can limit our true nature. In meditation, the goal is to recognize the ego’s influence and move beyond it to find deeper inner peace.
The Void: Highest State of Being
In various spiritual traditions, “The Void” is often considered the highest state of being, a state where the individual self dissolves and only pure consciousness remains. This concept, while interpreted differently across cultures and philosophies, consistently points to an ultimate state of transcendence beyond form, thought and duality. The Void represents a realm of complete stillness, emptiness and infinite potential—a place where the individual merges with the source of all existence.
Life Purpose: Journey into the Soul
In the quest to uncover one’s life purpose, we must first look beyond the surface of human existence and dive into the profound nature of the soul. The soul, which has intrigued philosophers, sages and mystics for millennia, holds the key to understanding why we are here and what our purpose is. Various ancient teachings, such as those found in the Bhagavad Gita, the wisdom of Lao Tze and the insights of Western philosophy, offer us pathways to grasp the deeper meaning of life.
Light and Sound: signs of spiritual awakening
Spiritual awakening is a profound and life-changing experience that often begins subtly but ultimately transforms your entire perspective on life. One of the most significant signs of spiritual awakening is the experience of inner Light and Sound. These inner perceptions are not merely symbolic; they represent an actual shift in consciousness and a closer connection with your true self. But how do you know when you are awakening spiritually? Here are some key signs and insights that can help you recognize when you are starting to walk this path.
Spiritual Living in the Modern Age
In today’s world, where technology and superficial pursuits often dominate, it can seem challenging to lead a spiritual life. Yet, it is possible to maintain a deeper connection with yourself and the greater whole amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. Spiritual living in this era doesn’t mean isolating yourself from society, but rather infusing your daily life with awareness and meaning.
Karma: The Power of Truth
In the classic tale of Pinocchio, the wooden puppet’s nose grows every time he tells a lie. This story reminds us that lying does not come without consequences. Not only does Pinocchio’s nose grow, but in the real world, our bodies also give away signals when we lie. Think of avoiding eye contact, searching for the right words or even physical signs like sweating and restlessness. These subtle clues are manifestations of our inner truth trying to break through the facade of falsehood.
Soul Integration: Bridging Traditional Psychology and Esoteric Philosophy
Soul integration is a profound concept that delves into the relationship between the personality—comprising physical, emotional and mental aspects—and the soul, the spiritual essence. This idea is a cornerstone in the works of Alice Bailey and Djwhal Khul, who sought to harmonize traditional psychological principles with esoteric philosophy. This article explores soul integration from both perspectives, providing insights into how understanding this relationship can lead to greater personal and spiritual development.
Tao of Conscious Living: Embracing Lao Tze’s Teachings in Modern Life
Living consciously in alignment with spiritual values is a journey that transcends time and culture. Among the great spiritual teachers, Lao Tze’s wisdom stands out as particularly relevant to those seeking to live a more intentional and fulfilling life. This article delves into how Lao Tze’s teachings can guide us toward conscious living that harmonizes with our deepest spiritual values.