Category: Creative Expression

full frame shot of cracked stone
Exploring creativity as a pathway to spiritual expression.

  • Esoteric Psychology: Bridging Traditional Psychology and Esoteric Philosophy

    Esoteric Psychology: Bridging Traditional Psychology and Esoteric Philosophy

    In the modern era, psychology is a well-established field that delves into the workings of the human mind, behavior and emotions. Traditional psychology aims to understand and treat mental health issues, improve human well-being and enhance our understanding of cognitive and emotional processes. However, beyond the confines of conventional psychology lies esoteric psychology, a lesser-known but profoundly insightful branch of knowledge. Esoteric psychology, as articulated by Alice Bailey and the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul, seeks to merge the principles of traditional psychology with deeper spiritual truths.

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  • Colors of the Soul: Creativity as a Pathway to Spiritual Expression

    Colors of the Soul: Creativity as a Pathway to Spiritual Expression

    Creativity is not just an artistic endeavor but a profound spiritual practice. Especially in children, drawing can be a gateway to expressing and understanding deeper emotional and spiritual states. This article explores how the creative process in children’s art can reveal insights into their spiritual selves and how this understanding can enhance our approach to spiritual growth.

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