Category: News

Here, we bring you curated stories, breakthroughs and insights from the vast realms of spirituality and esoteric knowledge. 

  • Cosmic Origins: Souls from Distant Star Systems

    Cosmic Origins: Souls from Distant Star Systems

    In esoteric teachings, it is believed that souls can originate from different star systems and dimensions. These souls bring their unique characteristics, qualities and life missions to Earth. The idea that souls have their origins beyond our planet is deeply intertwined with the concept of a multidimensional universe, where consciousness knows no bounds. Souls that incarnate on Earth may come from star systems such as Orion, Sirius, the Pleiades, Arcturus or Andromeda, and even from more distant or non-physical dimensions.

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  • Bridging spiritual wisdom with personal goals

    Bridging spiritual wisdom with personal goals

    Manifesting your destiny is often seen as a mystical process, but it can also be a deeply personal and practical journey. While the soul’s purpose offers a higher spiritual calling, each of us also harbors personal desires and goals. Whether it’s career success, stronger relationships or self-development, our personal aspirations are an essential part of living a fulfilled life. The key lies in aligning these goals with the deeper spiritual currents of the universe, using tools like meditation on the inner Light and Sound to realize both the spiritual and personal dimensions of your life.

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  • Life Purpose: Journey into the Soul

    Life Purpose: Journey into the Soul

    In the quest to uncover one’s life purpose, we must first look beyond the surface of human existence and dive into the profound nature of the soul. The soul, which has intrigued philosophers, sages and mystics for millennia, holds the key to understanding why we are here and what our purpose is. Various ancient teachings, such as those found in the Bhagavad Gita, the wisdom of Lao Tze and the insights of Western philosophy, offer us pathways to grasp the deeper meaning of life.

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  • Journey of Modern Human: Navigating Life with Inner Wisdom

    Journey of Modern Human: Navigating Life with Inner Wisdom

    During my teenage years, a book titled Be a Buddha Behind the Wheels made a significant impression on me. The title alone was powerful and meaningful. For me, Buddha symbolizes wisdom, inner peaceand enlightenment. The book’s title conjured an image of someone who actively participates in life while being guided by profound inner wisdom. It seemed to embody a subtle duality: on one hand, fully engaging in life, and on the other, allowing oneself to be led by an inner, spiritual source.

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  • New Moon in Virgo

    New Moon in Virgo

    On September 6, 2024, the New Moon will occur in the sign of Virgo, an astrological event that brings powerful energies for new beginnings and self-improvement. In both traditional and esoteric astrology, this New Moon is seen as a moment of introspection and reorientation, with a particular focus on health, work and personal organization. It is an excellent time to set intentions aimed at practical progress and enhancing your daily routines.

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  • Venus direct in Leo

    Venus direct in Leo

    On September 4, 2024, Venus turns direct in the sign of Leo, marking the end of a retrograde period that has deeply influenced relationships, finances and personal self-expression. This shift brings a renewed sense of clarity and energy to these areas, encouraging us to reconnect with our passions, embrace creativity and celebrate the joy of self-love.

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  • Light and Sound: signs of spiritual awakening

    Light and Sound: signs of spiritual awakening

    Spiritual awakening is a profound and life-changing experience that often begins subtly but ultimately transforms your entire perspective on life. One of the most significant signs of spiritual awakening is the experience of inner Light and Sound. These inner perceptions are not merely symbolic; they represent an actual shift in consciousness and a closer connection with your true self. But how do you know when you are awakening spiritually? Here are some key signs and insights that can help you recognize when you are starting to walk this path.

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  • Jupiter retrograde in Taurus

    Jupiter retrograde in Taurus

    Throughout September 2024, Jupiter remains retrograde in the sign of Taurus, marking a significant period in both traditional and esoteric astrology. This transit invites us to deeply reconsider our concepts of growth, expansion and abundance. Rather than pushing forward recklessly, this retrograde offers an opportunity to turn inward and restructure our goals with a focus on sustainability and realism.

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  • Cosmic meditation: Path of Spiritual Transformation

    Cosmic meditation: Path of Spiritual Transformation

    On August 28, 2024, House of Empathy is organizing a special online meditation event called the Path of Spiritual Transformation. This event is designed to bring people together in meditation from the comfort of their own homes, making the most of the powerful cosmic energies present on this day due to a rare planetary alignment. This planetary parade involves six planets—Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus—aligning in a unique configuration. This alignment creates an energetic window that significantly enhances meditation and spiritual connection.

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