Category: News

Here, we bring you curated stories, breakthroughs and insights from the vast realms of spirituality and esoteric knowledge. 

  • Inner Sound: Journey to the Source of Creation

    Inner Sound: Journey to the Source of Creation

    Meditation on the inner Sound is a journey to the core of consciousness, where the subtle vibrations of the universe become audible to the inner ears. This sound, often referred to as the “Shabd” or “Naam” in spiritual traditions, is not merely an auditory phenomenon but a direct manifestation of the divine. It is seen as the driving force behind creation, a constant vibration that permeates the entire cosmos.

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  • Inner Light: Journey Beyond Perception

    Inner Light: Journey Beyond Perception

    Meditation on the inner Light is a profound spiritual experience that goes beyond mere focus; it opens a door to a subtle, inner world that is difficult to describe in words. When you dive into this meditation, you enter a space where color, form and light blend together as direct expressions of spiritual realities.

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  • Light and Sound: Path to Enlightenment

    Light and Sound: Path to Enlightenment

    Meditation on the inner Light and Sound is a profound form of spirituality that connects the soul with the divine. This practice, often referred to as Surat Shabd Yoga, is rooted in ancient traditions such as Sant Mat and Radha Soami, and it also finds a place within movements like Sikhism. Although the methods may vary, the goal remains the same: to experience the inner Light and Sound, which are seen as manifestations of a higher spiritual reality.

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  • Inner Light and Sound: Making the Connection

    Inner Light and Sound: Making the Connection

    The online event, Path of Spiritual Transformation, invites participants to embark on a profound inner journey, one that leads them to the discovery of their true selves. This journey, however, is not dependent on external influences or rituals; it focuses entirely on the inner realm, on connecting with the inner Light and Sound.

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  • Power of Sound: How Mantras Foster Inner Transformation

    Power of Sound: How Mantras Foster Inner Transformation

    Mantras are powerful tools that have been used for centuries in various spiritual traditions around the world. They form the core of meditative practices and are often seen as keys to inner peace, self-discovery and spiritual growth. A mantra is not just a random string of words; it is a sound or a combination of sounds that can have a profound impact on both the mind and the body.

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  • Full Moon in Aquarius

    Full Moon in Aquarius

    On August 19, 2024, the full moon will illuminate the sign of Aquarius, an air sign known for its progressive, innovative and independent energy. This full moon may bring about powerful moments of sudden insights and changes, particularly in the context of projects and personal freedoms. Both in traditional and esoteric astrology, this lunation offers a profound opportunity to reflect on the balance between personal desires and the responsibility we bear within our communities.

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  • Sun conjunct Mercury in Leo

    Sun conjunct Mercury in Leo

    On August 18, 2024, a powerful conjunction between the Sun and Mercury occurs in the sign of Leo. This conjunction, where the energies of the Sun and Mercury merge, creates an intense field of communicative power and expressiveness. It presents a rich opportunity for creative endeavors and the sharing of ideas, both from a traditional astrological perspective and through the deeper insights of esoteric astrology.

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  • Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini

    Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini

    On August 14, 2024, a powerful conjunction between Mars and Jupiter takes place in the sign of Gemini. This cosmic event marks a moment of intense energy, growth and expansion, especially in areas related to communication, learning and intellectual pursuits. Both traditional and esoteric astrology offer profound insights into how best to harness this energy.

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  • Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

    Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

    From August 5 to August 28, 2024, Mercury moves retrograde, beginning in Virgo and later shifting into Leo. This retrograde period presents an interesting blend of energies and challenges, from both traditional and esoteric astrological perspectives. This article explores the influence of this retrograde and offers reflections on how to make the best use of this time.

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  • Transcending Karma: Journey Through Meditation and Self-Awareness

    Transcending Karma: Journey Through Meditation and Self-Awareness

    In recent discussions on the Meditation Facebook group, a thought-provoking question was posed: “Who believes that meditation allows one to transcend or go beyond karma?” The responses and ensuing dialogue offered a rich tapestry of perspectives, highlighting the complexities and depths of understanding karma through meditation.

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