Category: News

Here, we bring you curated stories, breakthroughs and insights from the vast realms of spirituality and esoteric knowledge. 

  • Full Moon in Capricorn

    Full Moon in Capricorn

    On July 21, 2024, a full moon will occur in the sign of Capricorn. This lunar event marks a moment of completion, manifestation and reflection. It is a time to celebrate your achievements and set practical goals for the future. Both traditional and esoteric astrology offer valuable insights and opportunities for personal and spiritual growth during this period.

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  • Exploring inner Sound Meditation: Nada Yoga and Shabd Yoga

    Exploring inner Sound Meditation: Nada Yoga and Shabd Yoga

    Inner sound meditation, encompassing practices such as Nada Yoga and Shabd Yoga, is an ancient and profound approach to achieving mental clarity, spiritual growth and a deeper connection with the self and the universe. These practices utilize sound and vibration as tools for meditation, leading practitioners on a journey toward inner peace and enlightenment.

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  • Spiritual Living in the Modern Age

    Spiritual Living in the Modern Age

    In today’s world, where technology and superficial pursuits often dominate, it can seem challenging to lead a spiritual life. Yet, it is possible to maintain a deeper connection with yourself and the greater whole amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. Spiritual living in this era doesn’t mean isolating yourself from society, but rather infusing your daily life with awareness and meaning.

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  • Karma: The Power of Truth

    Karma: The Power of Truth

    In the classic tale of Pinocchio, the wooden puppet’s nose grows every time he tells a lie. This story reminds us that lying does not come without consequences. Not only does Pinocchio’s nose grow, but in the real world, our bodies also give away signals when we lie. Think of avoiding eye contact, searching for the right words or even physical signs like sweating and restlessness. These subtle clues are manifestations of our inner truth trying to break through the facade of falsehood.

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  • Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus

    Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus

    On July 15, 2024, Mars will conjunct Uranus in Taurus, creating a powerful surge of energy and motivation for change. This astrological aspect can inspire sudden and significant shifts, making it an excellent time to pursue major changes and innovations in your life. Understanding this transit from both traditional and esoteric astrological perspectives provides valuable insights into its potential impact.

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  • Venus in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius

    Venus in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius

    On July 12, 2024, Venus in Leo will oppose Pluto in Aquarius, creating a powerful astrological configuration that can significantly impact relationships and self-expression. This opposition can bring hidden issues to the surface, intensifying dynamics within relationships. Understanding this transit from both traditional and esoteric astrological perspectives can provide valuable insights into how to navigate its energy.

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  • Soul Integration: Bridging Traditional Psychology and Esoteric Philosophy

    Soul Integration: Bridging Traditional Psychology and Esoteric Philosophy

    Soul integration is a profound concept that delves into the relationship between the personality—comprising physical, emotional and mental aspects—and the soul, the spiritual essence. This idea is a cornerstone in the works of Alice Bailey and Djwhal Khul, who sought to harmonize traditional psychological principles with esoteric philosophy. This article explores soul integration from both perspectives, providing insights into how understanding this relationship can lead to greater personal and spiritual development.

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  • Esoteric Psychology: Bridging Traditional Psychology and Esoteric Philosophy

    Esoteric Psychology: Bridging Traditional Psychology and Esoteric Philosophy

    In the modern era, psychology is a well-established field that delves into the workings of the human mind, behavior and emotions. Traditional psychology aims to understand and treat mental health issues, improve human well-being and enhance our understanding of cognitive and emotional processes. However, beyond the confines of conventional psychology lies esoteric psychology, a lesser-known but profoundly insightful branch of knowledge. Esoteric psychology, as articulated by Alice Bailey and the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul, seeks to merge the principles of traditional psychology with deeper spiritual truths.

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  • Discovering Meditation: Path to Inner Peace and Spiritual Growth

    Discovering Meditation: Path to Inner Peace and Spiritual Growth

    Meditation helps you to achieve a state of relaxation and mindfulness. It involves learning to relax, letting go of thoughts and finding a comfortable posture. Here’s a simple guide to help you start your meditation journey.

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  • Mercury in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius Retrograde

    Mercury in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius Retrograde

    The cosmic dance between Mercury in Leo and Pluto retrograde in Aquarius on 3th of July forms a powerful opposition, highlighting themes of communication, power and transformation. This astrological event offers profound insights from both traditional and esoteric perspectives, providing a holistic view of its potential impact.

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