Category: News

Here, we bring you curated stories, breakthroughs and insights from the vast realms of spirituality and esoteric knowledge. 

  • Numerology: Unveiling the Mystical Connections

    Numerology: Unveiling the Mystical Connections

    Numerology, the ancient study of numbers and their influence on human life, has long been regarded as a profound spiritual science. It suggests that numbers are more than mere mathematical symbols; they are divine keys that unlock deeper truths about the universe and our place within it. This article explores the spiritual dimensions of numerology and how numbers can guide us on our spiritual journey.

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  • Esoteric Astrology: Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable Signs

    Esoteric Astrology: Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable Signs

    In traditional astrology, the zodiac signs are classified into three modalities: Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. These modalities describe the signs’ ways of expression and their approaches to life. Cardinal signs are initiators, Fixed signs are stabilizers and Mutable signs are adaptors. While these concepts are also present in esoteric astrology as taught by Alice Bailey and Djwhal Khul, the deeper spiritual meanings and functions of these modalities are explored more profoundly.

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  • Mantras: The Power of Sound

    Mantras: The Power of Sound

    A mantra is a word, sound, or series of words that are chanted or recited repeatedly during meditation and spiritual practices. The purpose of a mantra is to calm the mind, focus attention, and achieve a deep state of consciousness. Mantras have their origins in ancient spiritual traditions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism and are often regarded as sacred sounds with the power to transform and heal the practitioner.

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  • The Moon and Esoteric Rulers: Deeper Connections

    The Moon and Esoteric Rulers: Deeper Connections

    In esoteric astrology, esoteric rulers play a crucial role in revealing deeper spiritual insights. While the Moon is traditionally associated with the emotional and intuitive aspects of our being, the esoteric approach offers a more comprehensive interpretation by examining the influence of esoteric rulers. This article explores the esoteric rulers of the Moon, their significance, and how they impact our spiritual development.

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  • The Moon in the Birth Chart

    The Moon in the Birth Chart

    The position of the Moon in the birth chart provides a wealth of information about our emotional nature, instinctive reactions, and inner needs. In esoteric astrology, this analysis goes even deeper, viewing the Moon as a channel for the soul to communicate and evolve. This article explores the significance of the Moon in different signs, houses, and its aspects with other planets.

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  • The Moon: Influence on Spiritual Development

    The Moon: Influence on Spiritual Development

    The Moon plays a central role in esoteric astrology, offering deep insights into our spiritual development. This article explores how the Moon influences our spiritual growth and how we can harness its energy for meditation and spiritual rituals.

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  • The Moon: Symbolic Gateway to the Unconscious

    The Moon: Symbolic Gateway to the Unconscious

    The Moon plays a crucial role in both traditional and esoteric astrology, but its significance runs much deeper in the esoteric approach. In esoteric astrology, the Moon is seen as a symbolic gateway to the unconscious, intuition, and the deeper layers of the soul. This article explores the spiritual symbolism of the Moon and its influence on our inner world

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  • The Sun: esoteric astrology vs. traditional astrology

    The Sun: esoteric astrology vs. traditional astrology

    In esoteric astrology, the Sun holds a deeper and more spiritual significance than in traditional astrology. This article explores the differences and influences of the Sun in both approaches.

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  • New Moon in Gemini

    New Moon in Gemini

    On June 6, 2024, the New Moon will be in the zodiac sign of Gemini. This moon phase offers an excellent opportunity for a fresh start and is particularly powerful for matters related to communication, learning and short trips. Both from a traditional and esoteric astrological perspective, this New Moon has much to offer.

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  • Cosmic Colors Meditation – Gold

    Cosmic Colors Meditation – Gold

    Discover inner enlightenment and transcendence with our guided meditation on the color gold. Connect with the illuminating energy of gold and experience deep spiritual insight and connection. Join the Cosmic Colors Meditation and start your spiritual journey today. #CosmicColorsMeditation #Gold #Enlightenment #SpiritualJourney

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