Category: News

Here, we bring you curated stories, breakthroughs and insights from the vast realms of spirituality and esoteric knowledge. 

  • Virgo in Esoteric Astrology

    Virgo in Esoteric Astrology

    The zodiac sign Virgo, known for its analytical and caring nature, holds a deeper spiritual meaning from an esoteric perspective. Esoteric astrology emphasizes the inner evolution of the soul and the hidden spiritual forces behind the surface characteristics of this sign.

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  • Leo in Esoteric Astrology

    Leo in Esoteric Astrology

    The zodiac sign Leo, often associated with self-expression and leadership, holds a deeper spiritual meaning from an esoteric perspective. Esoteric astrology emphasizes the inner evolution of the soul and the hidden spiritual forces working behind the surface characteristics of this sign.

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  • Cancer in Esoteric Astrology

    Cancer in Esoteric Astrology

    The zodiac sign Cancer, often associated with sensitivity and nurturing, holds a deeper spiritual meaning from an esoteric perspective. Esoteric astrology emphasizes the inner evolution of the soul and the hidden spiritual forces working behind the surface characteristics of this sign.

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  • Gemini in Esoteric Astrology

    Gemini in Esoteric Astrology

    The zodiac sign Gemini, known for its versatility and communicative nature, holds a deeper spiritual meaning from an esoteric perspective. Esoteric astrology focuses on the inner evolution of the soul and the hidden spiritual forces at play.

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  • Taurus in Esoteric Astrology

    Taurus in Esoteric Astrology

    In esoteric astrology, the zodiac sign Taurus is seen as a powerful sign with deeper spiritual meanings beyond just material and sensory satisfaction. Taurus is strongly connected to themes of stability, perseverance and the transformation of matter into spiritual realization.

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  • Aries in Esoteric Astrology

    Aries in Esoteric Astrology

    The zodiac sign Aries, known for its dynamic and fiery nature, is approached in a deeper, spiritual manner from an esoteric perspective. Esoteric astrology provides insight into the inner forces and soul mission that Aries embodies.

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  • Why Meditate During the Planetary Alignment on June 3, 2024?

    Why Meditate During the Planetary Alignment on June 3, 2024?

    The upcoming planetary alignment on June 3, 2024, is a rare and powerful cosmic event where six planets – Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune – will align. This offers a unique opportunity to experience profound spiritual transformation through meditation. Here’s why you shouldn’t miss this chance and how esoteric knowledge can enrich your inner journey.

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  • Ascendant vs. Ascedent

    Ascendant vs. Ascedent

    The ascendant, also known as the rising sign, plays a significant role in both traditional and esoteric astrology. While both approaches use the ascendant to gain insight into an individual, their interpretations and depth of analysis differ greatly. This article explores the differences between the ascendant in traditional astrology and the ascedent in esoteric astrology.

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  • Esoteric Astrology: The Ascedent

    Esoteric Astrology: The Ascedent

    In esoteric astrology, the ascedent, or rising sign, plays a crucial role. It’s not just about how others perceive you, as in traditional astrology, but carries much deeper spiritual implications. Here’s an in-depth look at the meaning and influence of the ascedent in esoteric astrology.

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  • Esoteric Horoscope: Creating and Interpreting deep Spiritual Insights

    Esoteric Horoscope: Creating and Interpreting deep Spiritual Insights

    Esoteric astrology, influenced by the teachings of Alice Bailey and her spiritual mentor Djwhal Khul, offers a unique approach to astrology focused on the spiritual and psychological development of the soul. This form of astrology uses both traditional and hypothetical planets and considers influences from star systems and constellations. Here, we answer some frequently asked questions about creating and interpreting an esoteric horoscope.

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