Category: News

Here, we bring you curated stories, breakthroughs and insights from the vast realms of spirituality and esoteric knowledge. 

  • Hypothetical Planets: Deeper Forces of Transformation

    Hypothetical Planets: Deeper Forces of Transformation

    Esoteric astrology, influenced by the teachings of Alice Bailey and her spiritual mentor Djwhal Khul, introduces a fascinating array of hypothetical planets. These planets, though not scientifically confirmed, play a significant role in the spiritual development and inner transformation of the soul. Besides the well-known Vulcan, there are other hypothetical planets important in this branch of astrology.

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  • Vulcan: Deeper Force of Transformation

    Vulcan: Deeper Force of Transformation

    In the realm of esoteric astrology, a fascinating concept emerges that deviates from the traditional planets we know: Vulcan. This hypothetical planet, believed to orbit close to the Sun, is considered a powerful influence on our spiritual development and inner transformation within esoteric circles.

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  • Cosmic Tarot: Deeper Meaning of the Four Elements

    Cosmic Tarot: Deeper Meaning of the Four Elements

    The four elements – earth, water, air and fire – are central to the Minor Arcana in tarot. In the Cosmic Tarot, these elements are represented in a simple yet powerful way, highlighting their esoteric significance. Here, we delve into the symbolism of these elements and how they are depicted in the Cosmic Tarot.

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  • Tao of Conscious Living: Embracing Lao Tze’s Teachings in Modern Life

    Tao of Conscious Living: Embracing Lao Tze’s Teachings in Modern Life

    Living consciously in alignment with spiritual values is a journey that transcends time and culture. Among the great spiritual teachers, Lao Tze’s wisdom stands out as particularly relevant to those seeking to live a more intentional and fulfilling life. This article delves into how Lao Tze’s teachings can guide us toward conscious living that harmonizes with our deepest spiritual values.

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  • Bridging Realms: Intersection of Spirituality and Science

    Bridging Realms: Intersection of Spirituality and Science

    In the quest to understand the universe and our place within it, the realms of science and spirituality often seem worlds apart. However, recent dialogues between these fields reveal a fascinating intersection, particularly in the domain of esoteric science as articulated by figures like Master Djwhal Khul and Alice Bailey. This article explores the definitions of conventional science and esoteric science, highlighting their differences and the unique insights each brings to the human experience.

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  • Colors of the Soul: Creativity as a Pathway to Spiritual Expression

    Colors of the Soul: Creativity as a Pathway to Spiritual Expression

    Creativity is not just an artistic endeavor but a profound spiritual practice. Especially in children, drawing can be a gateway to expressing and understanding deeper emotional and spiritual states. This article explores how the creative process in children’s art can reveal insights into their spiritual selves and how this understanding can enhance our approach to spiritual growth.

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  • Finding Spiritual Connection and Insights in Nature

    Finding Spiritual Connection and Insights in Nature

    In the search for meaning and spiritual depth, nature offers a profound source of inspiration and reflection. This article explores how immersing ourselves in the natural world can deepen our spiritual connection, offering insights that resonate with our innermost selves and foster a sense of peace and belonging.

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  • Embracing Spiritual Wellness in Daily Life

    Embracing Spiritual Wellness in Daily Life

    In today’s fast-paced world, finding peace and balance is more crucial than ever. Spiritual wellness offers a path to achieving this balance, focusing not just on physical or mental health, but on nurturing the soul. This article explores what spiritual wellness means and how you can incorporate its practices to enrich your daily life.

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  • Path to Enlightenment:  Transformative Journey of Spiritual Awakening

    Path to Enlightenment: Transformative Journey of Spiritual Awakening

    Spiritual awakening—a profound realization of one’s true spiritual nature—is becoming increasingly common, with many seekers reporting significant mystical experiences. This article delves into the nature of these awakenings, the impact of formal initiation and the evolving role of spiritual teachers in guiding individuals along this transformative path.

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