Category: Reflections

  • Full Moon in Capricorn

    Full Moon in Capricorn

    On July 21, 2024, a full moon will occur in the sign of Capricorn. This lunar event marks a moment of completion, manifestation and reflection. It is a time to celebrate your achievements and set practical goals for the future. Both traditional and esoteric astrology offer valuable insights and opportunities for personal and spiritual growth during this period.

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  • Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus

    Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus

    On July 15, 2024, Mars will conjunct Uranus in Taurus, creating a powerful surge of energy and motivation for change. This astrological aspect can inspire sudden and significant shifts, making it an excellent time to pursue major changes and innovations in your life. Understanding this transit from both traditional and esoteric astrological perspectives provides valuable insights into its potential impact.

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  • Venus in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius

    Venus in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius

    On July 12, 2024, Venus in Leo will oppose Pluto in Aquarius, creating a powerful astrological configuration that can significantly impact relationships and self-expression. This opposition can bring hidden issues to the surface, intensifying dynamics within relationships. Understanding this transit from both traditional and esoteric astrological perspectives can provide valuable insights into how to navigate its energy.

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  • Mercury in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius Retrograde

    Mercury in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius Retrograde

    The cosmic dance between Mercury in Leo and Pluto retrograde in Aquarius on 3th of July forms a powerful opposition, highlighting themes of communication, power and transformation. This astrological event offers profound insights from both traditional and esoteric perspectives, providing a holistic view of its potential impact.

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  • New Moon in Gemini

    New Moon in Gemini

    On June 6, 2024, the New Moon will be in the zodiac sign of Gemini. This moon phase offers an excellent opportunity for a fresh start and is particularly powerful for matters related to communication, learning and short trips. Both from a traditional and esoteric astrological perspective, this New Moon has much to offer.

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  • Vulcan: Deeper Force of Transformation

    Vulcan: Deeper Force of Transformation

    In the realm of esoteric astrology, a fascinating concept emerges that deviates from the traditional planets we know: Vulcan. This hypothetical planet, believed to orbit close to the Sun, is considered a powerful influence on our spiritual development and inner transformation within esoteric circles.

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  • Conjunction: Moon hides Saturn

    Conjunction: Moon hides Saturn

    In the early morning of May 31, 2024, the sky offers us a fascinating glimpse into the cosmos. While many are turning over for a little more sleep, stargazers in parts of Argentina, Chile, Brazil and Uruguay will witness a remarkable astronomical event: the occultation of Saturn by the Moon. This rare phenomenon, where the Moon passes in front of Saturn and temporarily obscures it from our view, will occur around 8:00 UTC on May 31.

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  • Jupiter in conjunction with the Sun

    Jupiter in conjunction with the Sun

    Jupiter in conjunction with the Sun on May 18, 2024, represents a significant moment both astronomically and astrologically. This event, known as a superior conjunction, occurs when Jupiter, the Sun and Earth align with Earth being on the opposite side of the Sun from Jupiter. During this time, Jupiter is not visible from Earth as it is obscured by the Sun’s brightness.

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  • Great Planetary Alignment: Confluence of Heaven and Earth

    Great Planetary Alignment: Confluence of Heaven and Earth

    In the early morning hours of June 3, 2024, a captivating celestial event will take place that has both astronomers and astrologers on alert: a significant planetary alignment involving Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. This rare sight promises not only a breathtaking view for night sky observers but also reveals profound symbolic meanings for those who study the influence of the cosmos on human existence.

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  • Ascendant: Window to the Soul

    Ascendant: Window to the Soul

    In astrology, the ascendant, or rising sign, is the zodiac sign ascending on the eastern horizon at the moment of one’s birth. Considered the ‘mask’ worn in interactions, the ascendant represents first impressions, physical appearance and spontaneous reactions. It is one of the three pillars of a natal chart, along with the sun and moon, playing a crucial role in shaping our identity and how we are perceived by others.

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