Category: Reflections

  • Esoteric and Spiritual Reflections for April 29 – May 5, 2024

    Esoteric and Spiritual Reflections for April 29 – May 5, 2024

    Welcome to a week of deepening cosmic awareness, an invitation to align with the universe’s profound currents. As the celestial bodies weave their intricate patterns, we are called to explore the realms of spiritual development and intuitive wisdom.

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  • Mercury Retrograde in 2024

    Mercury Retrograde in 2024

    In 2024, Mercury will undergo several retrograde periods, primarily in Fire signs. These phases offer a unique opportunity for reflection and personal growth, but what exactly does ‘retrograde’ mean, and how does it specifically affect Mercury?

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  • Pluto Opposite Leo – An Era of Ego and Transformation

    Pluto Opposite Leo – An Era of Ego and Transformation

    Since March 2023, we have been experiencing a notable astrological event: Pluto in opposition to Leo. This alignment highlights the struggle between Pluto’s powerful transformative forces in Aquarius and the self-aggrandizing energy of Leo. This period invites an examination of the impact on egos, power structures and our approach to leadership and authority.

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  • Pluto in Aquarius: Era of Transformation

    Pluto in Aquarius: Era of Transformation

    Since March 23rd 2023, Pluto has moved into the sign of Aquarius, a cosmic shift that has not occurred since 1777. This transit marks a potentially profound period of change on both a social and spiritual level, akin to historical moments of revolutionary energy when peoples seized power and formed new systems.

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  • Full Moon in Scorpio

    Full Moon in Scorpio

    The full moon in Scorpio on April 24, 2024, at 1:48 AM offers a profound period of emotional intensity and transformation from an esoteric and spiritual perspective. Scorpio, a water sign, is renowned for its capacity to facilitate deep change and rebirth. This sign is deeply connected with themes such as transformation, hidden truths, death, rebirth, sexuality and the cycles of change.

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  • Esoteric and Spiritual Reflections: April 22 – 28, 2024

    Esoteric and Spiritual Reflections: April 22 – 28, 2024

    This week, cosmic forces invite us to delve into the synergy between traditional and esoteric astrology. We are on the brink of a journey through both visible and hidden dimensions of the universe. This special period promises not only a deeper understanding of our daily interactions influenced by the stars but also a connection with deeper spiritual currents that offer us inner growth and wisdom.

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  • Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction in Taurus

    Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction in Taurus

    The upcoming conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus on April 20, 2024, in the sign of Taurus represents a powerful astrological event with profound esoteric and spiritual implications. This rare alignment, occurring at 21 degrees in the earthy sign of Taurus, invites us to reflect and transform, offering unique opportunities for personal and collective evolution.

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