Tag: Aquarius
New Moon in Aquarius
On January 20, 2025, the New Moon graces the skies in the air sign of Aquarius. This celestial event invites us to break free from old patterns and embrace fresh ideas. A New Moon always signifies new beginnings, but the energy of Aquarius adds a unique layer of innovation, community spirit and idealism. It’s a cosmic moment to focus on the future and strengthen connections through collaboration.
Horoscope 2025 for Aquarius
The Aquarius zodiac sign (January 20 – February 18) will experience a year filled with innovation, new connections and spiritual renewal. Surprises abound and just as one adventure ends, another begins. Influenced by Uranus, Mars and Pluto, 2025 offers opportunities for personal and spiritual discovery.
Age of Aquarius: Insights from Alice Bailey and Djwhal Khul
Esoteric astrology, as presented by Alice Bailey and her teacher Djwhal Khul, offers a transformative view of astrology that transcends the personal and enters the realm of the soul. It reflects a shift from the age-old focus on material life towards a more profound understanding of spiritual purpose, especially in light of the dawning Age of Aquarius. This article explores how esoteric astrology enriches traditional astrology and why it’s more relevant than ever.
Aquarius in Esoteric Astrology
The zodiac sign Aquarius, known for its innovation and humanitarian spirit, holds a deeper spiritual meaning from an esoteric perspective. Esoteric astrology emphasizes the inner evolution of the soul and the hidden spiritual forces behind the surface characteristics of this sign.