Journey of Modern Human: Navigating Life with Inner Wisdom

During my teenage years, a book titled Be a Buddha Behind the Wheels made a significant impression on me. The title alone was powerful and meaningful. For me, Buddha symbolizes wisdom, inner peaceand enlightenment. The book’s title conjured an image of someone who actively participates in life while being guided by profound inner wisdom. It seemed to embody a subtle duality: on one hand, fully engaging in life, and on the other, allowing oneself to be led by an inner, spiritual source.

In today’s world, where technology plays a dominant role in our daily lives, finding that balance is more relevant than ever. We are constantly connected to the outside world through smartphones, social media and other digital platforms. Many of our friendships and interactions have taken on a digital dimension, fundamentally altering the way we experience life. As a result, navigating through life has acquired a virtual quality, where everything often seems more beautiful and idealistic than reality. This can distance us from the present reality, tempting us to lose ourselves in a world that is merely an illusion.

At House of Empathy, an organization dedicated to spiritual growth and well-being, we introduced the concept of “Inner Circles” several years ago. Inner Circles represent the close, personal network of people you trust, who have a positive impact on your life. At the same time, we have promoted various forms of meditation, such as meditation on color, spirituality, and meditation on inner Light and Sound. Each of these forms of meditation aims to help practitioners deepen their connection with their inner wisdom and peace.

Although House of Empathy advocates the path to enlightenment without dependence on a spiritual teacher or master, we feel deeply connected to the Spiritual Hierarchy. This is a spiritual structure where enlightened souls come together to guide humanity. While we do not seek to create teachers or masters, we focus on raising awareness of people’s own spiritual journey and development. This concept is directly tied to the development of your own Inner Circle—one that consists not only of people but also of an inner connection with Light and Sound.

But how do you know if you are truly connected to this inner Light and Sound? A key characteristic is that this connection is independent of your personality and ego. You can immerse yourself in it, be guided by it, and still benefit from the clarity and love it provides. This inner source helps you think more clearly, make better decisions and experience love from your deepest core.

After completing the promotion of the inner Light and Sound through the Path of Spiritual Transformation, House of Empathy has chosen not to set new goals. Instead, we focus on further developing our work in the here and now, with the belief that true spiritual growth comes from embracing the present moment and the wisdom it holds.

In a time when the line between the digital and physical worlds is becoming increasingly blurred, it remains essential to cultivate our inner wisdom. As the title of that book once taught me: be a Buddha behind the wheel of your life. Live actively and consciously, but always be guided by the deep wisdom that resides within you.