Light and Sound meditation

Step into the world of Light and Sound meditation and embark on a journey that takes you deeper than ever before into the exploration of your consciousness. This distinctive form of meditation opens the door to the essential vibrations of the universe—the inner Light and the cosmic Sound—that together form the core of your spiritual essence and the entirety of creation.

Light and Sound meditation distinguishes itself with a profound approach to spiritual development, guided by four crucial phases: the aspirant, the initiate, the second initiate and ultimately Enlightenment. Each phase marks a significant step forward on your path to discovering the true self and experiencing universal connectedness.

Explore the exercises and techniques designed to prepare and support you at every stage of your spiritual journey. From your first encounter with the Light and Sound to the deepest states of meditation and insight, New Lightwave is ready to guide you.

The Aspirant Phase

The Aspirant phase of Light and Sound meditation marks the beginning of a path that invites you into deep inner discovery and spiritual growth. This meditation method is your gateway to a journey that unveils the deepest layers of your consciousness and connects you with the essence of the inner Light and Sound.

The Initiate Phase

The Initiate phase is a crucial moment when your path of spiritual development enters a deeper dimension. This phase is not just a next step; it is a conscious choice to connect with the inner Light and Sound, thereby discovering the essence of your true self and the universe.

The Second Initiate Phase

As a Second Initiate in the path of Light and Sound meditation, you find yourself at a pivotal point of spiritual evolution. This phase marks a profound transformation, where your consciousness expands and your inner Light serves as a guiding beacon on your spiritual journey.


Reaching Enlightenment through meditation on the inner Light and Sound represents the pinnacle of spiritual understanding and fulfillment. In this state, you connect with universal intelligence and unity with all existence, embracing boundless consciousness, peace and joy.

Ready to Begin Your Transformative Journey?

The path of Light and Sound Meditation requires a dedicated step—the initiation. We invite you to make an appointment today. Share your motivation with us and take the first step towards a life of deep spiritual connection and enlightenment.