
Welcome to our events section! Here, you’ll find the latest updates on our inspiring gatherings and workshops. One of the highlights is our ‘Cosmic Colors Meditation, a unique experience exploring the fascinating world of colors and their impact on your life.

Browse below through our recent news articles for more information on upcoming events and highlights from past sessions.

Discover the power of colors and cosmic energies during the Cosmic Colors Meditation on June 3, 2024. This online meditation experience combines the healing powers of colors such as turquoise, red, white and gold with the unique energies of a planetary alignment. Join from the comfort of your own home and connect with participants from around the world for spiritual growth and personal transformation.

In the early morning hours of June 3, 2024, a captivating celestial event will take place that has both astronomers and astrologers on alert: a significant planetary alignment involving Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. This rare sight promises not only a breathtaking view for night sky observers but also reveals profound symbolic meanings for those who study the influence of the cosmos on human existence.